Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blue highlights? and blonde hair?

Umm I need a picture of what Blonde hair with blue highlights would look like??? please post them thanks a bunch! :)

Blue highlights? and blonde hair?

Well seeing as my bestfriend has gotten blue highlights recently I hope I can help. First if you intrested in only getting blue ask the hair stylist, or buy a strong dark blue highlighting pack so they will stand out more and contrast, which is the purpose for highlights. But if you go for a lighter blue it tends to dry out your strong blonde hair and make it fade into a grayish color. Which I don't think is good. If you like a srtong red it would look muh better which is wat I got.

Here are some pics ...:

Blue highlights? and blonde hair?

oooo i got a good one omg i love that combination i would defiantly do it if i had blonde hair...sadly i dont =[ watch aquamarine and look at Sara Paxtons hair i love itttt

Blue highlights? and blonde hair?

look up the Aqua-marine picture.

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