Monday, November 16, 2009

Does saltwater effect your hair if you have highlights?

I have highlighted my hair before with the kit from the drug store, I did it last time during the winter and I was very satisfied with how it looked.

I want to do it again except this summer I plan to go to my grandma's place on the beach ALOT and my hair would get very exposed to saltwater often. I just want to know if that would make them last less or if it would do anything to change the color so if you please know feel free to answer.

Does saltwater effect your hair if you have highlights?

Sun and saltwater will both make your highlights fade faster, as well as drying out your hair. One way to protect them is to wear a hat, or use a deep conditioner and leave it on while you're at the beach. (Girls do this all the time.)

Otherwise, maybe just wait till after the summer. Being out in the sun and in saltwater will tend to bleach your hair naturally, so see if you like how that looks.

Does saltwater effect your hair if you have highlights?

I really don't think so.

Does saltwater effect your hair if you have highlights?

salt water will not alter the color at all, just stay away from chlorine swimming pools. keep in mind that the increased sun exposure will further lighten your hair. you can buy sunblock for your hair if your concerned.

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