I am pale skinned and it's hard for me to get a tan. My natural hair color is a dirty blonde color but creently the color is light brown. What color should i dye my hair and do highlights with?
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
I don't think you should go darker. You have the perfect level of hair for great highlights! You said you are already pale, and don't tan. By going darker your skin will appear paler. Tell your stylist you want pale blonde highlights (about a level 10). If you want to walk on the wild side, tell her to slice the foil sections for chunkier highlights!
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
dont get highlites that really stand out get nuetral ones unless you want to stand out. but get a color that would go well with your hair color
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
look tink41503 you should get your hair coloured black with red and golden highlights.
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
Keep it natural.
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
while its brown get blonde highlights and the other way round
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
you should just get a slight glaze of goldis blonde on your tips and then have it fade down so that the color ends before your hair does and don't change your actual hair color... oh and the glaze shouldn't stand out choose a color thatis sort of close to your hair color and youll look beautiful!
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
I think that with your hair color, you should just get a medium brown hair color.
What color highlights should i put in my hair...never had highlights before.?
have you ever thought about darkening your hair a bit? right now you are at level 6 (dirty blonde). you should go to level 5 (light brown) with toner 5 (goldish) or toner 4 (redisth gold). your hair will turn out fabulous, i actually did this colour on a client couple days ago.
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