Monday, November 16, 2009

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

I am asian. I have dark black hair and I was thinking about getting blonde highlights in my you think it will look good? If you can, plz send me a link showing me a pic of what it will look like, or give me another color to stick with. I've just always like blonde hair and my best friend has blonde hair, so it will really make us closer cuz we can like crack jokes about it and stuff.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

Ok, well, I think you should stick to your natural hair color. Black is a very nice color, and looks pretty. If you absolutely can't resist highlights, light pink would look cool with black hair. You should like your hair, but pink is a funky and unique color to put in black. Red would be the second-best color though.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

No, no so not a good idea. No way.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

NO. it's tacky and no one does it anymore. do red. blonde high lights looks so ughh with black hair. and i'm asian so i would know.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

No way. My wife is Korean, and I would shave her head if she came home with highlights

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

TOO TACKY. Try a Dark Red and Caramel color. That would be hot!

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

No plz don't do it especially if u are TAN on on a darker side why don't u go for light brown make ur own style statement why follow ur friends style

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

Donno. I think it would look intriguing and interesting; but, to make sure I'm right I'd have to see a pic.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

I don't think that putting in bloud highlights would be a good idea because it would look tacky and not at all natural. I would do maybe low lights or some dark hair lights.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

I don't think it would look bad at all as long as you go to someone who knows what they're doing. And as long as you don't get too big of strands highlighted. I suggest that you don't do bleach because it will contrast too much, when highlights are supposed to blend in. Look for a lighter brown (almost blonde) color and against your black hair it will look lighter than it is. Whatever you do, DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF. I did that once and ended up with blue hair...I'm talking SMURF blue. Be careful about choosing your stylist...and good luck.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

Talk to your hairdresser and see what they recommend. Because of the coarseness of your hair the blond might not look right.

I have seen Asians with blond, copper, auburn, ash, mid brown, and blue-black highlights and they all looked great (I'll bet they were done by professionals, not home kits).

Go with what you want - remember, if you really hate it your hairdresser can dye it back to your natural colour. Its just hair, not permanent like a tattoo.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

If you really want highlights try a dark red...not blond:)

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

Deffinitely not! Don't try to change yourself and make your self look dumb for someone else. I would stick to black hair or maybe a dark brown.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?


Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

blonde and black will not work. my friend highlighted too, and she used two colours, and her hair is black. she uses dark purple and dark red. and it suited her.

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

blonde hightlights in dark dark hair do not look good i'm sorry to report =(.

a red would look pretty! you can ask your hairstylest to see what she would think is the best for you. but i think plain black hair is beautiful on asians and i usually envy there hair so natural is good also.

good luck!

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

it could look good but i think brown highlights would look way better

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

Do red, it looks so nice, and my hair dresser has hers done that way, just dont do it yourself!!!!!

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

Very hard to say,generally speaking due to the skin tone on asians it is hard to get away with blond highlights .I'm myself asian and also happen to be a hairdresser .I do have a lot of blond highlights(not yellow,not orange but pure blonde ).Lots of my clients ask me to do their hair color the same than mine and always get compliments from stranger and fellow hairstylist.The key is is to get your hair a pure blonde without overprocessing and breaking it (lots of work).Like i said due to the skin tone very few people get away with it but that 's what you want go for it ,at least if you don't like it you did yourself a favor by scratching an itch.You are not going for the natural look anyway from black to blond or red for the matter so go ahead experiment but get an advice from a professional hairdresser before you do

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

it depends. Some people who are asian look good in blonde hair and some dont. If you have a tan color then i suggest you dont do it. Ask your family members/friends if they think you look good in blonde highlights

Blonde highlights in asian black hair?

The contrast might make it appear tacky

maybe dye it a lighter color THEN add highlights

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