Wednesday, November 11, 2009

HAIR ADVICE!!!WHat highlights should i get...PLEASE ANSWER?

ok so i have dirty blond hair..underneath it is more on the brown side and on the top it is more on the golden side..I have blue eyes and olive colored skin...i was thinknig of doing platinum blonde highlights..very thin but everywhere but ive never tried that so im nervous...umm do you think itll look good..i thought maybe itll look pretty cool cuz ill have like three tones in my hair!!!i dunno so confuseddd..thanksss

HAIR ADVICE!!!WHat highlights should i get...PLEASE ANSWER?

Do not tell a stylist that you want "platinum blonde" highlights unless you show her a picture along with it.

Platinum blonde to you may be just a bright blonde with no "orangey" tint.

Platinum to most stylists is so blonde that it's white/greyish.

I'm not thinking that you want that.

I would do lots of highlights AND lowlights (darker color than your base haircolor.) That is always a great option.

But no matter what you do, never describe a color that you want without showing a picture or pointing it out on the salon's color chart....because platinum blonde, chestnut brown, and auburn red are all very much an opinionated description of colors. Be careful - so that you get what you actually want.

HAIR ADVICE!!!WHat highlights should i get...PLEASE ANSWER?

go with your instinkt...

HAIR ADVICE!!!WHat highlights should i get...PLEASE ANSWER?

I think it'd look cute.

make sure they are small highlights tho.. big chunks don't look as natural/pretty.

HAIR ADVICE!!!WHat highlights should i get...PLEASE ANSWER?

yeah...just make sure they don't turn out brassy though.(yellowy)

HAIR ADVICE!!!WHat highlights should i get...PLEASE ANSWER?

My hair is almost exactly what you described along with my complexion. I have platinum and it looks really good. In fact I've been thinking about going all platinum. Good luck!

HAIR ADVICE!!!WHat highlights should i get...PLEASE ANSWER?

Honestly,... you should not do it.

Just because everyone else is doing it, isn't going to make you any more special,... it will only make you blend in with everyone else.

If you want to be attractive you should let your own natural beauty make your own special attributes make you - You, stand out from the rest of the crowd.

But its your choice sweetie.

Good luck, cheers babe!!!

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